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SQT BioMicroneedling - No Numbing, No Devices, No Chemicals


R1,250 / R500


1 Day In-Class / Online

About the Course

SQT Bio Microneedling is a unique and innovative treatment that utilizes a natural and pure biological extract known as Sponge Spicules, to penetrate the skin and stimulate collagen regeneration. This treatment is suitable for individuals who have acne, pigmentation, dry or oily skin, blackheads, wrinkles, crow's feet, uneven skin tone, skin sagging, scars and stretch marks.

The treatment is painless, non-invasive, and safe for individuals with sensitive skin or during pregnancy. It is a completely natural treatment that does not use any chemicals or acids. The tiny needles used in the treatment can only be seen under a microscope, and 3-5 million needles pierce into the skin at the same time without the use of any device .. This speeds up the skin metabolism and stimulates collagen regeneration, leading to faster skin cell regeneration and visible results in as little as 7 days.

SQT Anti-aging: Speeds up cell turnover, increases collagen and elastin production, minimizes fine lines and wrinkles, tightens skin.

SQT Revitalizing: Treats pigmentation, melasma, sensitive skin.

SQT Resurfacing: Treat acne and acne scarring, stretchmarks and cellulite, minimize large pores, resurface scars.

SQT Recovery (Homecare/Retail kit): Repair skin barrier, desensitize skin, decrease inflammation, hydration, improved skin healing.

Various Kit options available.

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